At Home Ground we place huge value on the younger generation.
They are a crucial part of our church life, and we are committed to equipping and teaching them about God in fun and age-appropriate ways.
Our Friday Evening Kids Min programme is full of energy and fun and runs from 17:00 to 18:30 every Friday of the school term. These are for children in grade R to
Grade 6.
Both the 8 am and 10 am services have full programs running in two groups: 2 -5 years (Promise Island); and Grade R - Grade 6 (Promiseland).
Our smaller tots have an area just for them at the Lower Hall. It offers a beautiful, safe place for you to leave your littles.
And if you've still got a babe-in-arms then our Baby Chapelallows moms and parents with under 1 year olds to enjoy the service while allowing their tots to play and to breastfeed. There is also a small bathroom.
Holiday Club
Every July school holiday we have our amazing Holiday Club.
This is run in the mornings - usually in the first week of the school holidays.
Holiday Club offers a wonderful opportunity to invited friends, neighbours, grandchildren, etc to hear about Jesus.