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All of You

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your path straight” – Proverbs 3:5-6

During this lock down we have spent many hours with our little toddler - entertaining, teaching and loving her. It is hard work. One thing that she requires a lot of is our attention, so tag-teaming and really good communication is key. In this current phase of her life, our toddler is learning new words daily and wants to let us know that. Most times I hear her calling me, “Dadda”, and then showing me something she’s learnt, or putting a very strange sentence together using new words she’s discovered. It is very cute.

But each time I hear her call me I realise that all she really wants is to include her Dadda in everything she does. Show me what she has learnt and include me in her journey. My thoughts then go to our heavenly Father. In the verse above we are told to trust God with ALL our heart, in ALL our ways to submit to Him.

Imagine what our lives would be like if we could just be more like my toddler is with me:  include God in ALL that we do and to try not to do things on our own.

I really believe that in the same way that I beam when my daughter shows me whatever it is she’s doing, God does the same with us. I really feel that God is more concerned with our relationship with him than how good we can try to be.

In this time can we focus on our relationship with God and how we can include Him and trust and submit to Him in ALL we do. During this time I encourage you to also sit and thank God for the season you are in.

Things to think on:

  • Where have I relied on myself more than God?

  • What areas of my life can I trust God more?

  • How can I daily put ALL my trust in God?

Let's Pray:

Heavenly Father. Thank You for Your grace over our lives even in times when we try to take things in our own hands. We acknowledge You in all our ways, trust You with all our hearts and submit ALL our ways to You. Guide us in ALL we do through every season. We love You, Jesus. Amen

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