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Slowing down ...

Shenne Davies

Shenne Davies attends Home Ground. She is married to Dane and is mom to 2-year-old Bentley.

"Come to me all you who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest." Matt 11 v 28

Before lock-down I had never spent a full day at home, besides the four days after giving birth to my son, Bentley. I made sure I was always extremely busy. I was often making a plan to make a plan.

I have been forced to slow down and reflect on what is truly important in my life. It has been so enlightening and refreshing. I feel rejuvenated with the uninterrupted family time, that to some extent, we will never have again.

I am a highly anxious person, who worries about anything and everything. But, now more than ever before, I have the greatest sense of contentment. I feel an abundance of love and comfort, yet I am home alone, isolated. Only God could possibly have the power to fill my heart with this overflowing sense of peace.

Being more present and not having to rush off to the next event has made me so much more appreciative of what has been in front of me all along. Why did I need to be forced to stay at home to realize just how blessed I am? I have an overwhelming sense of gratitude for this time. It has given me a fresh new outlook and appreciation on life.

Please don’t get me wrong. It has been heart breaking being away from loved ones and there have been many challenging days. I am so excited for more freedom and to get back to “normal”. I look forward to play dates and days on the beach. But I want to remember how truly content I have felt during this time of lock-down. When I had “nothing”, I was more fulfilled than when I had “everything”.

I have been so drawn to this message by John Mark Comer, The elimination of hurry.

“Jesus set love as the highest value in his kingdom’s economy. When asked what the greatest commandment in all of Scripture was, he responded with “Love the LORD your God with all your heart, soul, and strength,” but he refused to stop at one command; he added another, “Love your neighbour as yourself.” “Love is painfully time consuming. All parents know this, as do all lovers, and most long-term friends. There are no shortcuts. No life-hack. No killer app. It takes an enormous amount of time to love well”.

My prayer is that when we go back to reality that I will make time to “love well.” I hope to never let my time be filled with too much “stuff”. I feel so encouraged and empowered to be present. There is no greater privilege or responsibility than being a parent. I want to honour that to the best of my ability.

I’m just a mom that’s keen to spread some love, light and positivity. I would love to share my activities for kiddies with other moms or anyone who would like to be a part of our journey.

(You are welcome to follow me on Instagram @shenne_davies and browse through my activities. I am so passionate about making learning fun and exciting. I taught Grade One for many years and now am a stay at home mom. I want to encourage parents to make the most of this precious time with the little ones in our lives.)

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