We do not want to be prescriptive about how long you should fast or what you should fast. Ask God to guide you in this regard.
The New Testament neither commands nor forbids fasting and so for today’s Christians, it is purely a matter between you and God as to when what sort of fast and the duration of a fast.
• Fasting is a form of self-denial and the removal of daily distractions in order to draw closer to God.
• It must be done in the right attitude and without attracting attention to oneself.
• It can be a full fast (no solids or fluids), a complete fast (no solids but with fluids), a partial fast (omission of certain foods or a meal), a non-food fast (giving up some secular activity).
• Fasting is NOT a means to earn God’s favour, nor is it to be used to prove a point or to impress others.
If you would like more information on how to fast in a healthy manner read the following article http://www.charismamag.com/life/health/19376-10-tips-for-healthy-fasting or request a printed copy from cindy@homeground.org.za We will be sharing a guide sheet on areas of the church that we are going to praying into during the fast. Look out for that in the next post.