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Time to be Intentional

Ephesians 5:15-17:  Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord’s will is.

I have started writing this not only knowing that it is my first ever blog, but also really wanting people to understand a little about how I am feeling and what God is teaching me over this very strange time.

I realise that we are only on day 8 of the lockdown, so it is early days. But I am enjoying the opportunities that God has created for me through this. I believe that God is telling me to be intentional about this time in what I do and how I do it and to act wisely (Ephesians 5:15-17). I think that I would be very disappointed with myself if I got to the end of the 21 days and the only thing I have accomplished is that I added fertilizer to my existing fears, anxieties and frustrations (I am, for example, really worried about the Church’s finances, especially our reduced givings).

God knows the plans He has for me and it is to give me a future and hope. If I am to join God in this plan, I know that I need to be intentional (done on purpose, deliberate, conscious, planned). I want to be intentional about investing in my relationships with my family (there is no better time for this), intentional about connecting with God more (there is no better time for this) and intentional about investing in myself through self development, etc (there is no better time for this).

  • What are you being intentional about?

  • What positive changes do you want to see at the end of this period?

I pray that God will reveal to you what this is, so that you too can join Him in the plans he has for you. There is no better time for this!

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